Open bootstrap nav tabs by detecting # value from the URL and also update # value in the URL upon clicking the nav item.
Author: M. Hamza Mehmood
My name is Muhammad Hamza Mehmood, a Saudi-born tech geek.
I am a professional full-stack Web Developer.
I love to share knowledge with others. I am quite a busy person, so whenever I get time I used to write articles with the faith that they will help other developers.
If you have any queries just send me a message via the contact form and I will try to solve them as soon as possible.
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Have a happy development.
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By default, WordPress provides 2 options to add data (title and description). If we need more fields we need to customize it or use hooks.

You may want to create a blog in which you want to show the next and previous posts. In this article we will see how to get next and previous records in MySQL database.

How to detect if your visitor is using Internet Explorer and display a warning message to change browser.

It is good to add SKU when you add a product but it is not a mandatory field while managing products. In this article, we will see how to add SKU in WooCommerce order emails, sent to the shop manager or site admin.

When a SSL certificate is installed on a website it is required to force website to load on HTTPS we can do this by forcing website to https SSL using .htaccess

How to add formatting for letter-spacing after every 4 digits of credit, visa, union or master card in HTML input box of stripe or any other payment gateway

In this article, we will see how to add image to WooCommerce order emails, sent to the shop manager or site admin. Using WooCommerce, we

Disable mouse click inside the HTML element or a DIV using CSS or JavaScript.

Do you want to see the user roles and permissions configured in your WordPress website? WordPress comes with multiple user roles and permissions. These roles